What Are You Looking At?

“A discerning person keeps wisdom in view, but a fool’s eyes wander to the ends of the earth.”
THIS PEARL OF WISDOM REMINDS ME OF AN OLD SAYING: “The eyes are the window to the soul.” I have always thought of this saying as shining light on our ability to see into a person’s heart just by looking into their eyes. But today’s proverb illuminates the other view: that if our eyes are indeed windows, then the view is taken in by both sides.
What we look at with our eyes colors the shape of our soul.
So what are you looking at? Fools are thrilled by eye candy – a cheap and easy commodity in our modern culture of high-speed and high-definition delights. But just like its gastronomical counterpart, eye candy leaves us dazed, unsatisfied, and in search of more and more.
If a discerning person keeps wisdom in view, what does that really look like?
King David wrote the longest chapter in the entire Bible, Psalm 119, all about the wonders of God’s Word and his personal commitment to keep it before him every day and in every way. In this psalm it is written:
“Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word.”
David made a conscious decision to turn away from the kind of tempting but worthless visual treats that bombard us each day and prayed for the Lord to help him. That can be our first step as well.
Our second step can be to find intentional ways to center our attention on God’s Word. Reading the Bible is a sure way to do this. But here are a few other creative approaches:
Create a mural featuring your favorite verse - words make great art! If you’re not an artist, but handy on the computer, you can create simple graphics and have them made into peel and stick wall art at your local sign shop. Or there are even pre-set designs with verses that you can order and apply to your walls.
Find everyday objects that feature Scripture to incorporate into your life. This could be pillows, journals, or calendars like this one I designed, featuring wisdom from creation.
Print out inspirational words and images from the Bible and frame, or simply pin them around your home.
Want more inspiration? Come on over to our Pinterest boards to pin of few of our favorites and share some of yours.
Many Blessings!