A Super Simple Way to Wealth

“The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it.”
WORK AND WEALTH do not have a one-to-one relationship in God’s economy. This is because there are some riches gained through no labor of our own, only God’s blessing. And it is also because God has given us with a heart after His own, which finds pleasure, not pain in the work of service and creation. Understanding these two concepts can unlock abundance.
Let me share one of my favorite verses with you from The Book of Ephesians that gives insight into God’s economy:
“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.”
To this you may respond honestly: “But I want REAL riches and REAL power.” And to you I would reply: Unless you understand your real spiritual riches, and your real power in the Kingdom of God which is freely given, you will never be satisfied with any amount of material possessions. All your labor will feel like a struggle.
When you open the eyes of your heart you will see that God has given you special passions and gifts, which when pursued will multiply your every effort. Instead of painfully toiling your day away in pursuit of wealth, you can relax into God’s gifts and get in the flow of the work that you were designed to pursue. Wealth will naturally follow.
Meditate on God’s word about wealth. Ask for insight – for God to open the eyes of your heart. I encourage you not to gloss over this step as purely spiritual nonsense, but the necessary action for real transformation. The riches spoken of are real. And they are everlasting. And acknowledging them will change the way you walk through this world. What I like to do is imagine God’s Kingdom – the Heavenly Realm. This is where the real action is. This is where my spirit lives. And this is the seat of my power. When I open the eyes of my heart, this is the place I see. I invite you there, now.
Reflect. Have you taken the time to follow your heart? Or have you been so busy toiling away in search of material security that you have lost touch with your true passion? Take time right now to sense the leading of your heart. Follow it with your thoughts. Pray for God to shine a light onto the path He has intended for you. And in faith step towards the light if even just in your heart, and eventually you will arrive at a vision that will drive you excitedly into a pursuit that will feel less like toil and more like fun.
Share. I’d love to hear from you. How does acknowledging and walking in your spiritual wealth change your expectations or experience of material wealth? Are you living according to your heart? Have you found the flow of God’s perfect plan for your life? Or are you waiting on God’s vision? Join the conversation on Facebook.
Many Blessings!